12 Best Rucola Substitutes: Which One Is The Best For You?

Rucola is often used in salads and as a garnish for dishes.

Rucola is not a vegetable that can play a leading role in a dish, but it can play a supporting role because it makes the dish more colorful and tasty.

There are some people who say, “I want to use Rucola, but I can’t find it in my local supermarket!

I’m sure some people want to use Rucola but can’t find it in their local supermarket.

I can’t find Rucola. What should I do?

If you go to a supermarket, there is a good chance they will have Rucola, but it would be a hassle to go out of your way to buy the only Rucola.

In such cases, it is helpful to know what you can substitute for Rucola.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to some of the “Rucola substitutes” that can help you out in times of trouble!

What kind of vegetable is Rucola? What are its characteristics?

Rucola is a leafy vegetable in the Brassicaceae family.

It has a faint sesame-like aroma and a slightly spicy and bitter flavor, but it has few peculiarities and is easy to use in cooking.

It can be used in salads, as a garnish, or as a finishing touch to a dish.

Rucola is often used in Italian cuisine, and you will often see it on pizza.

The seeds of Rucola are sometimes used to make herbal tea, and the leaves can be used in their entirety.

Rucola is also very nutritious.

Rucola is rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A, and vitamin C is converted to vitamin E.

The beta-carotene becomes vitamin A, which helps maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes, and vitamins C and E have antioxidant properties, which help prevent lifestyle-related diseases.

It’s a pretty amazing vegetable that not only tastes good but is good for your health!

12 substitutes for Rucola

Rucola Substitute 1: Baby Leaves

Baby Leaves

Baby leaves are a general term for the young leaves of vegetables and are often sold as an assortment of mixed young leaves of various vegetables.

Characterized by its lack of peculiarity and ease of eating, baby leaves can be used as a substitute for Rucola.

It does not have the pungency or bitterness of Rucola, but it is enough to give you the look and feel of Rucola.

It also has the advantage of being easier to find than Rucola since it is available in supermarkets all year round.

Substitute for Rucola 2: Salad spinach

Salad Spinach

Salad spinach, which has less bitterness and has been improved so that it can be eaten raw, can also be used as a substitute for Rucola.

It doesn’t have the deep richness of regular spinach, but it doesn’t have any bitterness or gloom, so it goes well with salads.

There is no need to worry about oxalic acid, so it is a safe substitute.

Substitute for Rucola 3: Salad greens

Salad Greens

Salad greens, a type of lettuce, can also be used as a substitute for Rucola since it has fewer peculiarities.

The texture of salad greens is thicker and a little softer than crunchy, but it can serve as a good color.

When substituting salad greens, you can use them as you would Rucola.

It does not have the pungency or bitterness of Rucola, so when using it in a salad, you can adjust the flavor with a dressing.

Substitute for Rucola 4: Potherb mustard

Potherb Mustard

Potherb mustard, which is a cruciferous vegetable like Rucola, has no peculiarity and has a crispy texture.

Since the texture of Rucola is also crispy, it is a perfect substitute for salads and other recipes where texture is the key.

When substituting potherb mustard, you can use the same as when using Rucola as is.

As with salad greens, it does not have the pungent or bitter taste of Rucola, so adjust the flavor with a dressing.

Substitute for Rucola 5: komatsuna


Komatsuna (Japanese mustard greens), which is very versatile and can be used in all kinds of recipes, can also be used as a substitute for Rucola.

Komatsuna is often eaten cooked, but it can be eaten raw.

It can be eaten raw, and I recommend eating it as a salad.

Also, it is a major vegetable that can be found in any supermarket, so it is easy to obtain as a substitute.

Substitute for Rucola 6: Bean sprouts

Bean Sprouts

Pea shoots, a young pea vegetable with a gentle bean flavor, can also be used as a substitute for Rucola, depending on how you use it.

Although the appearance of bean sprouts and Rucola is not that close, it is perfect for reproducing the crunchy texture.

If you want to keep the look and feel close, you can mix it with other substitutes such as salad greens or baby leaves to get a nice look.

Substitute for Rucola 7: Watercress


Watercress is a cruciferous vegetable like Rucola and has a unique pungent taste and flavor.

Watercress can be used as a substitute for Rucola.

Rucola also has a slightly pungent flavor, so if you want to recreate that pungent flavor, watercress will be perfect.

It also has a nice crunchy texture, which makes it a very useful substitute for Rucola.

When substituting watercress, you can use the same method as when using Rucola.

Substitute for Rucola 8: Salad mustard greens

Salad Mustard Greens

When you hear the word “mustard greens,” many people may imagine a mustard-like flavor, but in reality, it is not.

Mustard greens can be used as a substitute for Rucola because the pungency of mustard greens is milder and the taste is more like an herb.

The texture is also crispy and can give the feeling of Rucola.

It looks similar in appearance to potherb mustard, but if it is just the flavor and texture, it can be used as a substitute without any problem.

Substitute for Rucola 9: Basil


Basil, an Italian herb, can also be used as a substitute for Rucola, depending on the recipe.

Rucola is often eaten raw in salads or as a garnish, but it is also very tasty when cooked.

Heating it softens its pungent and bitter taste and gives it a milder flavor, so you can substitute basil in any recipe that calls for heating Rucola.

Rucola is also sometimes used as a substitute for basil when making Genovese or as a pizza topping.

Rucola and basil go very well together as substitutes for each other.

Ideas from everyone

  • Sunny Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Italian Parsley


  • Rucola is a leafy vegetable of the Brassicaceae family. It has a sesame-like aroma and a slightly tangy and bitter taste but has few peculiarities.
  • Rucola is rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. It is effective in maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes and preventing lifestyle-related diseases.
  • The following 12 substitutes for Rucola are recommended. [Baby leaf, salad spinach, salad greens, potherb mustard, komatsuna, bean sprouts, watercress, salad mustard greens, basil, sunny lettuce, spinach, Italian parsley].