Whole Grain Flour Substitutes: Here are Some Recommended Alternatives You Can Choose

When you look at recipes for making sweets or bread, you often see the word “whole wheat flour”.

It somehow sounds healthy, but it’s not something you usually have in your house.

Oh no! I don’t have any whole wheat flour. What should I do?

Also, it’s hard to find in stores, or it’s too expensive… And even if you have it, you may be worried about whether you can use it all.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to some useful substitutes for whole wheat flour, so please take a look at them!

What is whole wheat flour?

Whole wheat flour is made by grinding wheat with its husk.

The difference between whole wheat flour and wheat flour is similar to the difference between “brown rice” and “polished rice””.

Whole wheat flour is brown and contains the husk in a granular form because the husk is ground together with the flour.

Because whole wheat flour is milled with husk, it has a savory aroma from the skin and germ and a crunchy texture.

It looks fragrant and delicious…but when you make sweets or bread with whole wheat flour, it is less chunky than when you make it with regular flour.

However, when you make sweets and bread with whole wheat flour, they are less chunky than when made with regular flour.

However, if you use only whole wheat flour, the texture may become soggy and unpleasant.

Also, the dough does not hold together well and is prone to cracking, so it can be a difficult task for those who are not used to it.

6 alternatives to whole wheat flour

Now you have an idea of what whole wheat flour is.

So, if you don’t have whole wheat flour at home or in the store, what can you use instead?

Here are a few examples, ranging from those that are easy to find to those that are flavorful and delicious.

Each one has its own texture and flavor, so you’ll have a different taste.

Substitute for whole wheat flour 1: Flour (strong flour, light flour)


You can replace the entire amount of whole wheat flour.

Most of the products sold in the market are made of wheat flour.

It is best to use strong flour for bread, and light flour for cookies and cakes.

Reference: Main types of flour

Flour is divided into different types according to the amount of protein (gluten) and its properties.

Light flour has the least amount of protein and is finer and moister.

It is used when you want a light and crispy texture or fluffiness. It is best for cookies and cakes.

Strength flour: Highest in protein, coarse in texture, and silky.

It is best for making things that are crunchy and elastic. Bread and pasta are often made with strong flour.

Medium-strength flour — Between light and strong flours.

It is used for udon and okonomiyaki and is not usually used for baking. Whole wheat flour is also a member of the flour family because it is made by grinding the whole wheat shell.

Substitute for whole wheat flour 2: Rice flour

Rye Flour

You can replace the whole grain here as well.

There are two types of rice flour: one is made from the rice we usually eat (uruchimai) and the other is made from glutinous rice.

The one used in place of whole wheat flour is the one made from leached rice.

While wheat flour is hardened by protein, rice flour is hardened by starch.

When used in baking, it gives a sticky and moist texture, and when used in baked goods, it gives a crispy texture and is very tasty.

It is also safe to use for people with wheat allergies!

Substitute for whole wheat flour 3: Buckwheat flour

Buckwheat Flour

Buckwheat flour can be used as a substitute for whole wheat flour, but it is a little difficult to combine, so it is best to use it half and half with wheat flour.

It has a unique aroma and texture that gives it a different flavor. If you are allergic to buckwheat, avoid using it.

Substitute for whole wheat flour 4: Rye flour

Rye Flour

Rye flour is savory and very tasty.

However, it does not contain protein (gluten) like wheat flour, so it does not expand much.

Also, rye has a unique sour taste, so if you add a lot of it, it may be difficult to eat.

Basically, you should add about 15-30% to the flour.

If you use rye flour in cookies, they will be like soft cookies with a moist texture.

The bread is more filling than it looks, and even a little bit goes a long way in making you feel satisfied, so it is recommended for dieters.

Substitute for whole wheat flour 5: bran flour

Bran Flour

Bran flour is made by stripping off the bran, the skin of wheat flour, and grinding it into a powder.

It is rich in nutrients and low in sugar, making it a very healthy material.

It is characterized by its sticky texture and simple flavor, and many people may like it.

It is often sold as “bran bread mix” in stores, but it is not available everywhere.

The problem is that it’s hard to find.

Substitute for whole wheat flour 6: Okara powder

Okara Powder

If you are making baked goods, you can replace the entire amount.

If you are making bread, it is better to mix it with wheat flour to make it rise more.

However, since it is made from soybeans, it is rich in nutrients and very healthy.

Recreate the texture and savory taste of whole wheat flour! Recommended toppings (4 kinds)

Whole wheat flour has a delicious texture and a unique aroma.

If you use a substitute, you can recreate the texture and aroma of whole wheat flour by mixing the following ingredients together.

It’s also very nutritious, so you’ll end up with something healthy!

1) Nuts

Nuts, such as walnuts and almonds, can be added for a savory and crispy finish.

Nuts contain good fats and are rich in vitamins, calcium, and minerals.

You can get more balanced nutrition by mixing them in.

2) Oatmeal

Oatmeal is made from threshed oats that have been mashed.

It contains many important ingredients for maintaining good health, such as dietary fiber, iron, calcium, and vitamins.

It is also very healthy when mixed with other ingredients.

3) Sesame seeds

The main ingredients are healthy oils, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

It is one of the best-known health foods.

It has a very good texture and flavor and is delicious.

4) Kinako (soybean flour)

Kinako is made from crushed soybeans.

Soybeans are known as the “meat of the field” for their high nutritional value.

It is rich in essential amino acids, a component of protein, as much as meat.

It is also good for the body because it contains a good balance of various other nutrients such as isoflavones and vitamins that are good for women.

The aroma and flavor unique to soybean flour are also very delicious!


  • Whole wheat flour is a powder that has been milled with the whole wheat flour shell, a savory aroma, crunchy texture.
  • Whole wheat flour alone has a poor texture and does not hold together well and cracks easily, so it is sometimes mixed with flour.
  • The following six substitutes for whole wheat flour are recommended! [Wheat flour (strong and light), rice flour, buckwheat flour, rye flour, bran flour, and okara powder
  • When using the substitutes, the following toppings can be used to reproduce the texture and aroma of whole wheat flour better. [Nuts, oatmeal, sesame seeds, soybean flour

The texture and flavor of whole grains are enjoyable, and it is likely that you can recreate a similar texture and flavor with other ingredients. Why don’t you try various combinations to find your favorite?